
Authorization Request

class oauthlib.openid.connect.core.grant_types.ImplicitTokenGrantDispatcher(default_grant=None, oidc_grant=None)[source]

This is an adapter class that will route simple Authorization requests, those that have id_token in response_type and a scope including openid to either the default_grant or the oidc_grant based on the scopes requested.

create_authorization_response(request, token_handler)[source]

Read scope and route to the designated handler.


Read scope and route to the designated handler.

class oauthlib.openid.connect.core.grant_types.AuthorizationCodeGrantDispatcher(default_grant=None, oidc_grant=None)[source]

This is an adapter class that will route simple Authorization Code requests, those that have response_type=code and a scope including openid to either the default_grant or the oidc_grant based on the scopes requested.

create_authorization_response(request, token_handler)[source]

Read scope and route to the designated handler.


Read scope and route to the designated handler.

Token Request

class oauthlib.openid.connect.core.grant_types.AuthorizationTokenGrantDispatcher(request_validator, default_grant=None, oidc_grant=None)[source]

This is an adapter class that will route simple Token requests, those that authorization_code have a scope including ‘openid’ to either the default_grant or the oidc_grant based on the scopes requested.

create_token_response(request, token_handler)[source]

Read scope and route to the designated handler.