Creating a Provider

1. Create an OIDC provider

If you don’t have an OAuth2.0 Provider, you can follow the instructions at OAuth2.0 Creating a Provider. Then, follow the migration step below.

2. Migrate your OAuth2.0 provider into an OIDC provider

If you have a OAuth2.0 provider running and want to upgrade to OIDC, you can upgrade it by replacing one line of code:

from oauthlib.oauth2 import Server
from oauthlib.oauth2 import RequestValidator


from oauthlib.openid import Server
from oauthlib.openid import RequestValidator

Then, you have to implement the new RequestValidator methods as shown below. Note also that a new UserInfo endpoint can be defined and needs a new controller into your webserver.

3. Extend RequestValidator

A couple of methods must be implemented in your validator subclass if you wish to support OpenID Connect:

class oauthlib.openid.RequestValidator[source]
finalize_id_token(id_token, token, token_handler, request)[source]

Finalize OpenID Connect ID token & Sign or Encrypt.

In the OpenID Connect workflows when an ID Token is requested this method is called. Subclasses should implement the construction, signing and optional encryption of the ID Token as described in the OpenID Connect spec.

The id_token parameter is a dict containing a couple of OIDC technical fields related to the specification. Prepopulated attributes are:

  • aud, equals to request.client_id.
  • iat, equals to current time.
  • nonce, if present, is equals to the nonce from the authorization request.
  • at_hash, hash of access_token, if relevant.
  • c_hash, hash of code, if relevant.

This method MUST provide required fields as below:

  • iss, REQUIRED. Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response.
  • sub, REQUIRED. Subject Identifier
  • exp, REQUIRED. Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted by the RP when performing authentication with the OP.

Additional claims must be added, note that request.scope should be used to determine the list of claims.

More information can be found at OpenID Connect Core#Claims

  • id_token – A dict containing technical fields of id_token
  • token – A Bearer token dict
  • token_handler – the token handler (BearerToken class)
  • request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.

The ID Token (a JWS signed JWT or JWE encrypted JWT)

get_authorization_code_nonce(client_id, code, redirect_uri, request)[source]

Extracts nonce from saved authorization code.

If present in the Authentication Request, Authorization Servers MUST include a nonce Claim in the ID Token with the Claim Value being the nonce value sent in the Authentication Request. Authorization Servers SHOULD perform no other processing on nonce values used. The nonce value is a case-sensitive string.

Only code param should be sufficient to retrieve grant code from any storage you are using. However, client_id and redirect_uri have been validated and can be used also.

  • client_id – Unicode client identifier
  • code – Unicode authorization code grant
  • redirect_uri – Unicode absolute URI

Unicode nonce

Method is used by:
  • Authorization Token Grant Dispatcher
get_authorization_code_scopes(client_id, code, redirect_uri, request)[source]

Extracts scopes from saved authorization code.

The scopes returned by this method is used to route token requests based on scopes passed to Authorization Code requests.

With that the token endpoint knows when to include OpenIDConnect id_token in token response only based on authorization code scopes.

Only code param should be sufficient to retrieve grant code from any storage you are using, client_id and redirect_uri can have a blank value “” don’t forget to check it before using those values in a select query if a database is used.

  • client_id – Unicode client identifier
  • code – Unicode authorization code grant
  • redirect_uri – Unicode absolute URI

A list of scope

Method is used by:
  • Authorization Token Grant Dispatcher
get_id_token(token, token_handler, request)[source]

Get OpenID Connect ID token

This method is OPTIONAL and is NOT RECOMMENDED. finalize_id_token SHOULD be implemented instead. However, if you want a full control over the minting of the id_token, you MAY want to override get_id_token instead of using finalize_id_token.

In the OpenID Connect workflows when an ID Token is requested this method is called. Subclasses should implement the construction, signing and optional encryption of the ID Token as described in the OpenID Connect spec.

In addition to the standard OAuth2 request properties, the request may also contain these OIDC specific properties which are useful to this method:

  • nonce, if workflow is implicit or hybrid and it was provided
  • claims, if provided to the original Authorization Code request

The token parameter is a dict which may contain an access_token entry, in which case the resulting ID Token should include a calculated at_hash claim.

Similarly, when the request parameter has a code property defined, the ID Token should include a calculated c_hash claim. (sections,,

  • token – A Bearer token dict
  • token_handler – the token handler (BearerToken class)
  • request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.

The ID Token (a JWS signed JWT)

get_jwt_bearer_token(token, token_handler, request)[source]

Get JWT Bearer token or OpenID Connect ID token

If using OpenID Connect this SHOULD call oauthlib.oauth2.RequestValidator.get_id_token

  • token – A Bearer token dict
  • token_handler – the token handler (BearerToken class)
  • request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.

The JWT Bearer token or OpenID Connect ID token (a JWS signed JWT)

Method is used by JWT Bearer and OpenID Connect tokens:
  • JWTToken.create_token

Return the UserInfo claims in JSON or Signed or Encrypted.

The UserInfo Claims MUST be returned as the members of a JSON object
unless a signed or encrypted response was requested during Client Registration. The Claims defined in Section 5.1 can be returned, as can additional Claims not specified there.

For privacy reasons, OpenID Providers MAY elect to not return values for some requested Claims.

If a Claim is not returned, that Claim Name SHOULD be omitted from the JSON object representing the Claims; it SHOULD NOT be present with a null or empty string value.

The sub (subject) Claim MUST always be returned in the UserInfo Response.

Upon receipt of the UserInfo Request, the UserInfo Endpoint MUST return the JSON Serialization of the UserInfo Response as in Section 13.3 in the HTTP response body unless a different format was specified during Registration [OpenID.Registration].

If the UserInfo Response is signed and/or encrypted, then the Claims are returned in a JWT and the content-type MUST be application/jwt. The response MAY be encrypted without also being signed. If both signing and encryption are requested, the response MUST be signed then encrypted, with the result being a Nested JWT, as defined in [JWT].

If signed, the UserInfo Response SHOULD contain the Claims iss (issuer) and aud (audience) as members. The iss value SHOULD be the OP’s Issuer Identifier URL. The aud value SHOULD be or include the RP’s Client ID value.

Parameters:request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.
Return type:Claims as a dict OR JWT/JWS/JWE as a string
Method is used by:

Whether the id token should be refreshed. Default, True

Parameters:request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.
Return type:True or False
Method is used by:
validate_id_token(token, scopes, request)[source]

Ensure the id token is valid and authorized access to scopes.

OpenID connect core 1.0 describe how to validate an id_token:
  • token – Unicode Bearer token
  • scopes – List of scopes (defined by you)
  • request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.
Return type:

True or False

Method is indirectly used by all core OpenID connect JWT token issuing grant types:
  • Authorization Code Grant
  • Implicit Grant
  • Hybrid Grant
validate_jwt_bearer_token(token, scopes, request)[source]

Ensure the JWT Bearer token or OpenID Connect ID token are valids and authorized access to scopes.

If using OpenID Connect this SHOULD call oauthlib.oauth2.RequestValidator.get_id_token

If not using OpenID Connect this can return None to avoid 5xx rather 401/3 response.

OpenID connect core 1.0 describe how to validate an id_token:
  • token – Unicode Bearer token
  • scopes – List of scopes (defined by you)
  • request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.
Return type:

True or False

Method is indirectly used by all core OpenID connect JWT token issuing grant types:
  • Authorization Code Grant
  • Implicit Grant
  • Hybrid Grant

Ensure the logged in user has authorized silent OpenID authorization.

Silent OpenID authorization allows access tokens and id tokens to be granted to clients without any user prompt or interaction.

Parameters:request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.
Return type:True or False
Method is used by:
  • OpenIDConnectAuthCode
  • OpenIDConnectImplicit
  • OpenIDConnectHybrid

Ensure session user has authorized silent OpenID login.

If no user is logged in or has not authorized silent login, this method should return False.

If the user is logged in but associated with multiple accounts and not selected which one to link to the token then this method should raise an oauthlib.oauth2.AccountSelectionRequired error.

Parameters:request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.
Return type:True or False
Method is used by:
  • OpenIDConnectAuthCode
  • OpenIDConnectImplicit
  • OpenIDConnectHybrid
validate_user_match(id_token_hint, scopes, claims, request)[source]

Ensure client supplied user id hint matches session user.

If the sub claim or id_token_hint is supplied then the session user must match the given ID.

  • id_token_hint – User identifier string.
  • scopes – List of OAuth 2 scopes and OpenID claims (strings).
  • claims – OpenID Connect claims dict.
  • request (oauthlib.common.Request) – OAuthlib request.
Return type:

True or False

Method is used by:
  • OpenIDConnectAuthCode
  • OpenIDConnectImplicit
  • OpenIDConnectHybrid

4. Preconfigured all-in-one servers

class oauthlib.openid.connect.core.endpoints.pre_configured.Server(request_validator, token_expires_in=None, token_generator=None, refresh_token_generator=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

An all-in-one endpoint featuring all four major grant types.